A Visit to Classic Cleaners: Plant Excellence in Action

Last month my dad (Rob McConnell) and I embarked on a short trip to Indiana to visit Classic Cleaners. Based in Indianapolis, Classic Cleaners has 18 locations and a state-of-the-art plant that spans over 30,000 square feet! With this month’s theme centring on plant excellence, I thought I’d share my experience so you can benefit from Classic’s expertise.
Classic Cleaners’ History
Classic Cleaners has a rich history in the dry cleaning industry. Founded in 1985, Classic operates 18 depot locations, including six 24-hour automated kiosks, a pick-up and delivery service spanning the Greater Indianapolis Area, and offers services including dry cleaning and laundry, wash-and-fold, wedding gown cleaning and preservation, alterations and more.

Today, the business is owned by three partners: Steve Arnold, Tim Day and John Arnold (John and Steve are brothers). We had the pleasure of meeting both Steve and Tim during our visit and truly appreciated their welcoming hospitality. The company’s commitment to quality and forward thinking includes switching from perc to the eco-friendly solvent K4, and starting to use the wet cleaning process to clean more garments.
Since its beginning, Classic has never settled for mediocrity and has reworked its operating facility many times, including a move to a new facility in the Castleton area in 2015, doubling their footprint from 17,000 to 32,000 square feet.
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

One of the most striking aspects of Classic Cleaners is the dedication and tenure of its team. Most of Classic’s team has been with the business for most of their careers, a testament to the company’s positive work environment and growth opportunities.
Jeff Chapman, Marketing Director and the newest employee to join the leadership team, proudly showed us the operation. It was clear he’d picked up an understanding of the industry quickly through the partners’ teaching, and brings a fresh perspective from his former career opening Barnes & Noble stores.
We also had the chance to observe Amanda Foster (Director of Store Operations), Tommy Mitrani (Route Manager), and Blanca (a long-time Customer Service Representative) in action. Their unique abilities contribute to their personal and company success. Jeff highlighted that Tommy and Amanda have been ‘thought leaders’ within the business.
The impact of long-term, satisfied employees on customer satisfaction cannot be overstated. Reports show that companies with highly engaged employees see a 20% increase in sales and 10% higher customer ratings. These statistics underscore the importance of Classic Cleaners’ focus on employee retention and satisfaction.

State-of-the-Art Equipment
With 32,000 square feet, Classic’s plant is a dream for any equipment nerd or consultant, as the company has been an early adopter of industry technology. The facility is equipped with most of Metalprogetti’s equipment line, including assembly conveyor, automatic bagger, batching and dispatching conveyors. This comprehensive set-up allows for efficient and high-quality processing of garments.
A recent addition to their technological arsenal is the Macpi steam tunnel. The team at Classic is currently fine-tuning the process to accelerate the number of pieces that can be processed through the tunnel versus those requiring traditional pressing. This investment promises to significantly boost productivity and maintain garment quality.
Classic Cleaners’ commitment to innovation extends beyond the production floor. They’ve also made substantial investments in customer-facing technology, enhancing the overall customer experience.
24-Hour Kiosks

Classic Cleaners took an early risk by transitioning some of their stores to 24-hour kiosks in 2018. These automated kiosks have proven to be a game-changer, significantly increasing sales at the selected locations where they’ve been installed. Metalprogetti’s automated kiosks are at the forefront of the dry-cleaning industry’s technological revolution. Self-service kiosks allow customers to drop off and pick up their garments 24/7, providing unparalleled convenience.
I had the chance to use a kiosk and was blown away by its user friendly experience.
While these kiosks are not new, they’ve been a recent discussion point on many DLI Tuesday calls, with the majority of those using kiosks sharing that sales at kiosk stores have increased since their installation.
Our Takeaways
We left Classic Cleaners truly inspired by witnessing such a large operation working in perfect harmony. The visit served as a powerful reminder of the value of experiencing different plants first-hand. The insights gained from such visits are invaluable for continuous improvement and innovation in our own operations.
While it may not always be feasible to travel across the country, I encourage you to explore plants in your local markets. Each visit, whether near or far, offers unique perspectives and ideas that can help elevate your own business practices. To get a full feel for our trip, you can watch a short video here. (Note: You must have TicToc app installed to view video.)
Thank you, Tim, Steve and Jeff for your hospitality!