Miss a story in this month’s or last month’s Series?
They’re still available at the bottom of this page.

Keeping it Local

For Canadian companies desiring to shop in-country, use the list below to find the goods and services you need. The list is broken into the following categories, with entries in alphabetical order.

These listings are provided free of charge to companies the fit the criteria, and as a service to Canadian companies that are looking for other Canadian companies.


Throughout the month of March we will be featuring articles to get you thinking about all the ways your business can go sideways in a heartbeat.

Do you have a story? We’d love to hear it! Send details to becca@fabricarecanada.com and let others learn from your experience.

EVI Industries to Acquire Girbau North America

Girbau North America (GNA), Oshkosh, WI, announced on March 3 that it is being acquired by EVI Industries Inc. (EVI), Miami. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

GNA is EVI’s 30th and largest acquisition in the commercial laundry distribution and service industry. What does the acquisition mean for current and future customers?


Association of Wedding Gown Specialists met in Ft. Worth, TX

Members of the Association of Wedding Gown Specialists (AWGS) met recently in Fort Worth, Texas. In addition to the traditional tour of the host member’s plant, Kite’s Cleaners and Pinstripes, owned and managed by Nathan Kite, guest speakers included designer Callie Tein of Luna d’Miel Bridal, Emily Foster of Emily Foster Creative, Tracy Aaron of Wedding and Party Network, Kayla Fogarty of TheKnotWW.com, and Michael Tungesvick of Sankosha-USA.

The Jack Barth Memorial Award for Excellence was also presented at the conference.


Joe Quesenberry — the “Ironerguy” — passes away

Joe Quesenberry

Joe left an indelible mark on the industry, and his passing has been noted by those who knew and respected him.

Patrick Robertson of Tingue wrote a moving tribute to his former mentor, and we’ve included it in the coverage of his obituary.


Kannegiesser Canada hires David Pelletier as Service Manager

David Pelletier

On February 17, 2025, David Pelletier joined Kannegiesser Canada Inc. as the new Service Manager. With nearly 20 years of experience in the laundry industry at a Montreal-based distributor, he brings valuable expertise to the team. David.Pelletier@kannegiesser-canada.com

Le 17 février 2025, David Pelletier a rejoint Kannegiesser Canada Inc. en tant que nouveau manager du service après-vente. Fort de près de 20 ans d’expérience dans le domaine de la blanchisserie au sein d’un distributeur basé à Montréal, il apporte une expertise précieuse à notre équipe. David.Pelletier@kannegiesser-canada.com

DLI Launches Industry-Wide Social Media Campaign

DLI’s Social Media Action Committee has worked quietly behind the scenes to develop a program to benefit all drycleaners. They are encouraging professional garment care providers (members and non-members of DLI) to share a new series of social media posts, currently under development.

The posts will be designed by the committee with help from a social media consulting firm. The main goals are to educate consumers on the value and convenience of professional cleaning. Think of the famous Got Milk? campaign, but powered by social media posts instead of millions of advertising dollars. 

2025 DLI Hall of Fame Nominations soon to open

The Drycleaning & Laundry Institute is getting ready to open nominations for the Hall of Fame 2025.  If you submitted a nomination last year and it was not chosen, consider submitting your 2024 candidate again this year.  Last year was the inaugural year for the program and DLI had an impressive list of candidates. 

“The one thing I would stress is that the decision is made purely on the strength of the nomination form.  The review process attempts to turn a blind eye to the name of the individual and is judged on the merits of what is written on the form,” said Mary Scalco of DLI.

Nominations will be accepted for the 2025 Hall of Fame from April 1 to May 15.  Please visit DLIonline.org/HoF to access the nomination form at that time.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out, mscalco@dlionline.org.

Kudos to Free Laundry Access Program for great Toronto Star coverage!

If you’ve met Nancy Seto of Yummi Cafe Laundromat, you know she’s passionate about the Free Laundry Access Program she launched in 2023, with sponsor Sunlight Detergent. And she’s a master at getting publicity for the program. If you want to see how to do public relations right, check out the full page article in the Toronto Star from earlier this week! Well done, Nancy, and congrats to Jim St. Pierre and wife Dahna Sanderson, co-owners of Wishy Washy Coin Laundry, for joining this worth-while program.

Update your Calendar

APRIL 5 & 6

Extox Open House

Registration HERE

More Information HERE

June 3

Plans are well under way for the 2025 McConnell Classic! The 30th Annual Classic will be held at Royal Ontario Golf Club on Tuesday June 3rd.
Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities will be emailed out early April. 
“We’re looking forward to another memorable day on the course in support of Campfire Circle.”
— Rob McConnell 
For questions or additional information contact golf@gibsonscleaners.com


CLATA Canadian Reception at Clean Show

Hands-down the best party of the Show! Find out the details and mark it on your Clean Show dance card before you write down anything else!


MARCH SERIES — When Trouble Comes

Throughout the month of March we will be featuring articles to get you thinking about all the ways your business can go sideways in a heartbeat.

  • Natural disaster (fire, flood, storm damage)
  • Equipment breakdown that stops production
  • Violence in the workplace
  • Cyber intrusion
  • Customer injury or employee accident
  • Theft or vandalism
  • Environmental spill or discovery
  • Route driver accident
  • Business interruption

There’s a lot to think about to be sure you can sleep at night. We’ll address it from several different angles.

Do you have a story? We’d love to hear it! Send details to becca@fabricarecanada.com and let others learn from your experience.

Like it or loathe it, Social Media is here to stay. Successful companies have found ways to utilize the technology to convey their messages to customers and potential customers. The really good ones have some fun with it, as well.

Which camp do you fall into — the ones who shrug it off and try to avoid Social Media, or the ones who recognize a valuable avenue to reach your audience? How can you move from Group 1 to Group 2? What tools might you already have at your fingertips that you are overlooking?

This month we’ll examine the issues and opportunities surrounding Social Media. To kick it off, we have a thorough description of Computer Systems International’s “CleanTie” POS system and the tools that can help you. Let’s get Social!

POS System Review: CLEANTIE

SERIES: Let’s Get Social!

You have a POS system, but have you explored it completely?

Cleantie cloud-based POS is the latest product from Computer Systems Int’l (CSI). Cleantie is a powerful, all-in-one platform designed to streamline pickup and delivery services, enhance customer experience, and boost operational efficiency.


POS System Review: XPLOR SPOT

SERIES: Let’s Get Social!

Continuing our exploration of POS systems available to dry cleaners and launderers that include a Social Media component, this week we look at Xplor Spot. The company describes itself this way:

“Xplor Spot is the pinnacle of dry cleaning and laundry software. Created by dry cleaners for dry cleaners. Our robust, reliable and comprehensive solution is designed to empower businesses, driving efficiency and facilitating superior customer experiences.”


Social Media: It’s NOT Advertising!

SERIES: Let’s Get Social!

Becca Anderson

As we move through this month and focus on Social Media, I’ve become aware that many people don’t understand something I thought was obvious to everyone: Social Media IS NOT ADVERTISING. So I thought I’d chime in along with our columnists this week and show you what I mean.


Creating Video for Social Media

SERIES: Let’s Get Social!

Linley McConnell

This month, we’re focused on social media, so I want to tap into the power of video. I’m sharing how to create three easy-to-make videos that will elevate your brand. Video is an interactive way to get your message across in a fun and entertaining way, and viewers love them!


Social Media is the New Front Counter

SERIES: Let’s Get Social

Dry cleaner Lisa Loscerbo of Best Care Dry Cleaning in Winnipeg is a Social Media Superstar! She justifies it this way:

“Unlike the filter on your dry cleaning machine, social media is one thing you can’t afford to ignore. Especially now—let’s be honest—it’s practically the only way to connect with younger generations. And we need to! After all, these scrolling, swiping, always-online people are our future customers.”

Learn what she’s done, why she’s embraced it, and how successful she’s been.


Software Review: SMRT

SERIES: Let’s Get Social

SMRT (stands for Systems Management in Real Time) was developed by a San Francisco-based dry cleaner who tried and failed to find modern software for his operations, so he built his own. He envisioned software that would elevate the customer experience, make inventory management a breeze, drive business success through data, and be easy for employees to learn and use.

Take a tour of SMRT and find out why your competitor may have adopted it.


A Social Media Superstar is Born

SERIES: Let’s Get Social

Linley McConnell

Finishing up our Series on Social Media, we sat down with another Social Media Star — our own Linley McConnell of Gibson’s Cleaners in Toronto. Linley takes a very personal approach to Social Media, and has great tips to help you increase your engagement. Through her efforts, Gibson’s has over 1,000 followers who check in on Linley’s greatest adventures on a regular basis.



Bridging the Customer Experience Gap

Francis Flair

Small moments turn a transaction into a great experience for your customers. Outstanding dry cleaning and laundry businesses recognize this and invest in training to equip their teams with the right skills. But if we all know that great customer service leads to business success, why do so many dry cleaners still struggle with it?


Danger, Danger!

Kevin Marois

This isn’t exactly related to maintenance, but it is a serious concern. My guys are exposed to your poor housekeeping habits and poorly labelled containers. Your staff is at risk, and your customers’ garments are at risk of being damaged. You have chemicals and other controlled substances in your plant. Are you taking proper care with the labelling and storage of those things?