Wash-and-fold became a sales booster for a lot of cleaners during the pandemic. Since its rise in popularity, I’ve realized there are two wash-and-fold camps: those for and
Side Hustle is a cool term for a revenue stream, which translates into making more money. They've grown in popularity as a way to diversify your revenue because
This is the second of a three-part series on maintenance that was originally presented at the Alberta Textile Care Association convention in Calgary, May 13, 2023.
Last month we
He's standing at your front counter.
“We are with Environment Canada and we are here to inspect your plant,” he says.
Words to make your heart skip a beat or
Will there be a future where your dry cleaning doesn’t come back in plastic? At some cleaners this is already the default option, but for many others, going
In early March I had the privilege of visiting The Dry Cleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI) to take part in their ‘Introduction to Dry Cleaning’ course. Read on