Our Buyer’s Guide is the best! As a digital publication, we are not restricted on how many “pages” we can run in our Guide, so we’re able to add features that make your listing more powerful than ever.

Once you’ve read about the enhanced Guide (below), use your chosen form to get your listing to us. Thanks!

PLEASE NOTE: If you elect to include a logo, photo(s) or an advertisement with your listing, you will be sent an invoice that includes instructions on what to submit and where to send it, after your listing form is received. ALL UPGRADES MUST BE PREPAID FOR BEFORE THE LISTING IS POSTED.


  • FREE
  • $35
  • $125

YOUR LISTING IS FREE. We have never charged for listings. But to call attention to your listing, you may want to consider adding visual interest.

LOGOS — $35

  • FREE listing
  • Logo at the top


This gets you everything:

  • FREE listing,
  • a logo at the top,
  • an optional photo of the main contact, and
  • an advertisement (336 x 280 pixels)!

Don’t worry if your main contact or logo changes! Since we’re digital, you can just send us a photo of the new person or your revised logo and we’ll replace it at no charge, any time during the year.

If you have questions about your options, we’re happy to help you make the most of your listing. Contact our Buyer’s Guide wizard: samantha@fabricarecanada.com. She is in charge of all issues related to the 2025 Guide.

What could my listing look like?

Of course, you want to see what such a listing would look like. Below is a sample listing with no extra features, a listing with a logo, and one with ALL the various pieces you can add to make a big impact.  You will indicate your choice when you complete the forms for your listing — whether you’re adding a new listing, updating a listing, or approving your listing as it stands now.

FREE LISTING with no extra features
(All email and web links will be active in the Guide)

Founded: 1957
1234 Coast Road, Pretty City, ON L63 1Y6
Tel.: 905-123-4567
800: 800-123-4567
Fax: 905-890-1234
Email: j.salesmann@bestsupplyco.com
Website: www.bestsupplyco.com
Credit Cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover
Distributor of over 1500 products for the needs of dry cleaners and launderers including poly to detergents, special packaging, hangers, press pads, spotting chemicals, electronic signage, counter staff uniforms, break room supplies, office supplies and much more.
Major lines: All popular brand names.
Area served: Canada, US, Caribbean
Contact: Jeff Salesmann

(All email and web links will be active in the Guide)

Founded: 1957
1234 Coast Road, Pretty City, ON L63 1Y6
Tel.: 905-123-4567
800: 800-123-4567
Fax: 905-890-1234
Email: j.salesmann@bestsupplyco.com
Website: www.bestsupplyco.com
Credit Cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover
Distributor of over 1500 products for the needs of dry cleaners and launderers including poly to detergents, special packaging, hangers, press pads, spotting chemicals, electronic signage, counter staff uniforms, break room supplies, office supplies and much more.
Major lines: All popular brand names.
Area served: Canada, US, Caribbean
Contact: Jeff Salesmann

THE PACKAGE — $125. (All email and web links will be active in the Guide)
Ad can be linked back to your website, to a video on your site, etc.

Founded: 1957
1234 Coast Road, Pretty City, ON L63 1Y6

Tel.: 905-123-4567
800: 800-123-4567
Fax: 905-890-1234
Email: j.salesmann@bestsupplyco.com
Website: www.bestsupplyco.com
Credit Cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover

Click to watch our video!

Distributor of over 1500 products for the needs of dry cleaners and launderers including poly to detergents, special packaging, hangers, press pads, spotting chemicals, electronic signage, counter staff uniforms, break room supplies, office supplies and much more.

Major lines: All popular brand names.
Area served: Canada, US, Caribbean
Contact: Libby Carlson, customer service

Use the drop-down menu from Buyer’s Guide at the top of the page to access the various forms for approving a listing, starting a new one, etc.